about 95% of people in this world experience bad breath, bad breath can breath is a disgraceful and insultive things,according to my research, about 90% of people spend alot of money on bad breath to buy mouthwash and breath mint from the store which takes hundred of dollars from you everyday,people prefer to buy mouthwash every month to cure bad breath than to find permanent cure for it with just small money.here am going to teach you how to get rid of bad breath completely by spending small money,but firstly what causes bad breath,people think bad breath was caused when you don't brush very well which is wrong, secondly people think that if you want to eradicate bad breath that you should avoid garlic and onion,truly onion and garlic can cause bad breath but you don't have to neglect them before you can cure bad breath,you can take them everyday and still cure bad breath,to get tips on how to cure bad breath go here http://tinyurl.com/q46bb2a